Gang Beasts review

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Gang Beasts

Gang Beasts is an online multiplayer party game with gelatinous characters, brutal mêlée fight sequences, and absurdly hazardous environments. The objective of the game is to knock your opponents off of a platform or into a hazard in order to score points, with the winner being the player with the most points after a set amount of time. 

The game features a variety of modes, including a cooperative mode where players must work together to complete objectives and a competitive mode where players can battle it out in a free-for-all or team deathmatch.

The game's characters are all gelatinous and bouncy and have a variety of entertaining animations. The game's environments are also filled with hazards, such as fiery pits, rotating saw blades, and toxic waste. The game's physics are also very ragdoll-like, which can lead to some hilarious moments.

Graphics-wise, the game is colorful and cartoonish, with a cel-shaded art style. The game's soundtrack is also quite good, featuring a mix of electronic and rock music.

Despite its goofy exterior, Gang Beasts is a surprisingly deep and challenging game. The physics-based controls take some time to master, but once you get the hang of it, the game is extremely rewarding. There's a great sense of satisfaction that comes from pulling off complex moves and combos, and the game's unique visuals and atmosphere make the experience all the more enjoyable.

Overall, I absolutely adore Gang Beasts. It's a hilarious game that's perfect for playing with friends. The game's physics are great, the characters and environments are full of personality, and the soundtrack is catchy. If you're looking for a fun online multiplayer game to play with friends, I highly recommend Gang Beasts.

To download the app, you will get links to the Official Website and/or official digital markets.