Unraveling the Mystery of Relics in "Legend of Mushroom": A Step-by-Step Guide

Samanta Blumberg


Unraveling the Mystery of Relics in "Legend of Mushroom": A Step-by-Step Guide

In the fantastical world of "Legend of Mushroom," your success hinges not just on your prowess in battle, but also on your strategic acumen in utilizing a unique inventory system — relics. These are powerful artifacts designed to fortify your characters across various parameters, adding layers of depth and strategy to gameplay. This guide aims to demystify the relic system, offering players insightful strategies to leverage these items to their maximum potential, thereby enhancing their gaming experience.

Understanding the Basics of Relics

Understanding the Basics of Relics

Relics in "Legend of Mushroom" aren't mere collectibles; they're pivotal to advancing in the game. By augmenting your characters' attributes, such as ATK, DEF, and HP, relics provide the much-needed edge in battles. What sets each relic apart is its unique effect, which can range from boosting critical hit rates to extending the effectiveness of your Pals. As such, understanding the functionality and strategic deployment of relics is fundamental.

Navigating Through the Relic Types

Relics are categorized into six distinct types, each influencing a different aspect of gameplay. Masks, for instance, enhance specific stats like evasion and crit rate, making them ideal for characters with synergistic abilities. Fossils and Treasures, on the other hand, bolster your Pals, granting them stat boosts or new abilities. Books offer passive effects predominantly useful in boss fights, whereas Statues and Necklaces amplify your character's skills, making them more lethal or resilient in combat.

Strategically Choosing Your Relics

Selecting the right relics is not about hoarding the most powerful items but about creating synergy with your character's build and the challenges ahead. For a character reliant on critical hits, an increasing crit rate for a mask could be game-changing. Similarly, for Pals central to your strategy, choosing the correct Fossil or Treasure can significantly enhance your combat effectiveness.

Strategically Choosing Your Relics

Acquiring and Upgrading Relics

Relics can be obtained and upgraded through the use of Relic Fragments. The search for new relics involves a gamble of sorts, utilizing fragments to unearth powerful new artifacts possibly. As you accumulate relics, the cost in fragments for each new discovery increases, introducing a strategic element to resource management. Upgrading relics is equally critical, as it amplifies their effects, making your character or Pals significantly more potent.

Harvesting Relic Fragments

The primary source of Relic Fragments is the Ruined Ancient City dungeon, a nod to traditional RPG dungeon crawling. This adds an exciting layer to relic management, as players must balance their adventuring prowess with strategic foresight, tackling challenges in the dungeon to refine their arsenal of relics.

Mastering the Relic System

To truly excel in "Legend of Mushroom," players must not only gather and upgrade a diverse set of relics but also understand the intricate ways these artifacts interplay with their character builds and strategies. It's this complexity and depth that make relics a cornerstone of the game's strategic layer, inviting players to continually refine their approaches and discover new, potent combinations.

Advanced Strategies and Considerations

Advanced Strategies and Considerations

Advanced players might delve deeper into min-maxing their relic choices, considering not just the immediate benefits but also the long-term strategic advantages. This could involve prioritizing relics that complement not just the character they're equipped on but also the overall team composition, taking into account the potential matchups in PvP or challenging PvE encounters.


The relic system in "Legend of Mushroom" stands as a testament to the game's rich strategic fabric. By carefully selecting, upgrading, and strategically deploying relics, players can significantly enhance their gameplay experience. Whether you're a seasoned veteran looking to optimize your build or a newcomer aiming to understand the basics, mastering relics is an essential step in your journey through the enchanting world of "Legend of Mushroom." With this guide in hand, embark on your adventure, forge powerful alliances with your relics, and carve your path to glory.
