Bō: Path of the Teal Lotus - A Visually Stunning Yet Flawed Metroidvania Adventure

Samanta Blumberg


Bō: Path of the Teal Lotus - A Visually Stunning Yet Flawed Metroidvania Adventure

As the world of metroidvania games continues to expand, new titles increasingly draw inspiration from modern classics as opposed to the original trailblazers of the genre, Super Metroid and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Bō: Path of the Teal Lotus is a prime example of this trend, taking significant cues from the highly regarded Hollow Knight. While it captures some elements successfully, it unfortunately amplifies some of Hollow Knight's weaknesses, such as a confusing map and challenging platforming segments. While impressive in parts, Bō: Path of the Teal Lotus ultimately falls short when compared to its genre-defining peers.

The Journey of Bō

In Bō: Path of the Teal Lotus, players embark on an epic journey as Bō, a celestial blossom tasked with fulfilling an ancient prophecy. Bō's mission entails vanquishing a menacing creature after descending from the heavens. Equipped with a bō staff, Bō navigates through picturesque landscapes, encountering characters and creatures inspired by Japanese folklore. Despite the compelling premise, the game takes a long time to establish its narrative momentum, resulting in a meandering first half. Once the story finally picks up pace, the game is nearing its conclusion, leading to a rushed and convoluted narrative arc.

A Visual and Auditory Feast

The world of Path of the Teal Lotus is undeniably beautiful. The hand-drawn 2.5D art style is vibrant and diverse, using colors effectively to distinguish different locales. Each area bursts with life, employing colors like electric blues for icy mountaintops and soft pinks for sakura-laden forests. These visual cues help make each setting memorable, reinforcing the unique challenges and enemies found in each zone.

Bō Path of the Teal Lotus

The auditory experience is equally remarkable. Composer Moisés Camargo infuses traditional Japanese string instruments into the soundtrack, enhancing the immersive quality of each locale. The sound design excels in conveying crucial gameplay information, such as the mechanical clang of impenetrable armor or the satisfying boing of bouncing off an enemy's head.

The Challenge of Navigation

However, the stunning visuals and sound can't make up for the game's flawed navigation. Path of the Teal Lotus attempts to merge linear progression with Metroidvania-style exploration but falls short on both fronts. Each area functions as a spoke on a wheel connecting to a central hub. This structure doesn't support the necessary backtracking and interconnectivity crucial to the Metroidvania experience. While a fast-travel system exists, the scarcity of fast-travel points makes navigating the map a tedious endeavor.

The map itself is another point of contention. Often, it’s unclear where players should go next, with the map marking areas as fully explored even if players have merely passed by them. This can lead to frustrating moments of aimless wandering, alleviated somewhat by an objective tracker that offers general guidance but does not remove the fundamental issue.

Exceptional Combat Mechanics

Where Path of the Teal Lotus truly shines is in its combat mechanics. Bō’s staff-based combat is fluid and satisfying, transforming confrontations into a graceful dance. Players can bounce off enemies, adding layers of aerial complexity to battles. This combat system is simple to grasp but rewards skillful mastery, especially during challenging yokai boss fights that require dexterous use of Bō’s abilities like dashing and wall-rolling. Despite occasional frustration with the difficulty, the combat remains engaging and rewarding throughout.

Bō Teal Lotus

Platforming Pitfalls

On the other hand, the platforming segments are less than stellar. Bō’s floaty movement, while suitable for combat, makes precise platforming a chore. Certain sequences, like navigating back-to-back gauntlets in an icy cave, push players to the brink of quitting. These segments feel misaligned with Bō's fluid movement, leading to unnecessary frustration. Thankfully, many of these platforming challenges are optional, often hiding secrets or collectibles, but the mandatory ones disrupt the game's pacing.

Conclusion: A Beautiful Yet Imperfect Adventure

Bō: Path of the Teal Lotus is a mixed bag. It offers a stunning world to explore, backed by exceptional art and sound design. The combat mechanics are another highlight, providing satisfying and complex engagements. However, the game falters in navigation and platforming, with a confusing map and frustrating traversal mechanics. The narrative also struggles with pacing issues, taking too long to get started and then rushing to its conclusion. While there is much to admire in Path of the Teal Lotus, these shortcomings prevent it from fully realizing its potential.
