The director of Dragon's Dogma 2 has apologized for the lengthy delay

Samanta Blumberg


The director of Dragon's Dogma 2 has apologized for the lengthy delay

Creating high-quality games is a lengthy process, an often frustrating truth we've grown accustomed to, acknowledging that a game may require a minimum of five years of development.

Nevertheless, the protracted span of over ten years for the release of Dragon's Dogma 2 prompted an apology from the game's director, Hideaki Itsuno.

"He admitted his keenness to begin work on a sequel immediately following the release of the first part, expressing regret for the extended wait. His appreciation was unmistakable as he acknowledged the continuous encouragement from enthusiasts throughout the years, stating, "Seeing such deep admiration and consistent backing for the game from followers within Capcom and the wider community has truly been a motivational factor in making this project come to fruition."

Itsuno also shed light on how the team utilized the past decade effectively, including injecting hilarity into the game's design. "In multi-day brainstorming sessions, wild and humorous ideas would emerge, particularly during late hours, fueling our creativity," he added. "As the moment approached to transform those ideas into reality, we cast away any reservations regarding their absurdity, endeavoring to include as many of them as feasible within the game."
