Navigating Modern Critiques: Emma Roberts on "Madame Web" and the Influence of Internet Culture

Samanta Blumberg


Navigating Modern Critiques: Emma Roberts on "Madame Web" and the Influence of Internet Culture

In an age where digital media and internet culture dominate the way we consume and critique art, online narratives have significantly affected the reception of films. In particular, the impact on Sony and Marvel's "Madame Web" has stirred discussions around the influence of platforms like TikTok on a movie's success or failure. Emma Roberts, a prominent cast member, offers a candid perspective on why she believes the film didn't resonate as hoped.

Emma Roberts and Her Take on "Madame Web"

Emma Roberts, known for her roles in various films and TV shows, played Mary Parker in "Madame Web." In her interview with Variety, Roberts shared her thoughts on the film's poor critical reception and lackluster box office performance. For Roberts, the answer lies in the changing dynamics of how content is received by audiences influenced heavily by internet culture.

"There is no secret. It’s about doing something goodish and hitting at the right time. Everything else is like a wish and a prayer. I’m not intimidated by failure, and I’m not intimidated by people having negative thoughts about something," Roberts articulated. "I personally really loved Madame Web. I really enjoyed the movie. I thought everyone in it was great. I think the director, S.J. Clarkson, did an amazing job. She’s the reason I wanted to do that movie."

The Role of Internet Culture

While artistic evaluation traditionally relied on critics and word-of-mouth, the modern age has brought internet culture to the forefront. Memes, TikTok videos, and social media posts play a considerable role in shaping perceptions. As with "Morbius," "Madame Web" also became fodder for online humor, which likely influenced its performance at the box office.

Continued Roberts: "If it wasn’t for internet culture and everything being made into a joke, I think that the reception would’ve been different. And that’s what bums me out about a lot of stuff, even stuff that I’ve done. People make such a joke out of everything now."

The Complexity of Mary Parker

In "Madame Web," Roberts portrays Mary Parker, who is on the cusp of giving birth to Peter Parker, later known as Spider-Man. Although the film only subtly hints at this significant detail, the setting in 2003 aligns with Tom Holland's iteration of the iconic hero. This connection might have added depth and excitement for fans, but the movie's broader reception overshadowed the nuances.

Roberts' portrayal sought to breathe life into a story rich with potential, yet the immediate reactions on social media shaped the public perception. Her frustration with how content is quickly reduced to memes reflects a broader concern in the industry.

Industry Impacts and Future Considerations

The reception of "Madame Web" brings to light the broader impacts of internet culture on the film industry. For filmmakers and actors, the challenge extends beyond creating compelling stories; they must also navigate the unpredictable terrain of online reception. The virality of memes and jokes can often derail genuine artistic efforts.

Looking ahead, creators might need to develop strategies to engage positively with internet culture, leveraging its power rather than becoming a victim of it. This may involve more interactive marketing campaigns, influencer partnerships, and proactive engagement with online communities.

Hopeful Perspectives for Future Films

Despite the setbacks "Madame Web" faces, there remains a silver lining. The film now streams on Netflix, offering it another chance to find its audience. The platform's extensive reach might provide a second wind for audiences to appreciate the film outside the constraints of initial online reactions.

Moreover, looking to the future, numerous promising films are slated for release in 2024 and beyond. These upcoming projects hold the potential to captivate and inspire, provided they can navigate the dual worlds of traditional film critique and online culture. Filmmakers and actors alike may find innovative ways to create synergies between these worlds.


The mixed reception of "Madame Web" underscores the evolving landscape of film appreciation in the digital age. Emma Roberts' reflections offer a poignant reminder of the complexities artists face today. As internet culture continues to influence perception, it will be incumbent upon filmmakers to adapt and find harmony between art and the fast-paced, meme-driven world of online platforms. While "Madame Web" might not have achieved immediate success, the lessons learned could guide future endeavors toward greater resonance and acclaim.
