Denzel Washington's Apology to Ryan Coogler Over Black Panther 3 Reveal

Denzel Washington recently expressed his regret to Ryan Coogler for prematurely revealing his participation in the upcoming Black Panther 3 film. Although the actor confirmed his role in the movie, he has chosen to remain mostly silent on other details. His early announcement appears to have caught him off guard, leading to feelings of remorse.
In a conversation with a media outlet, Washington recounted how he had reached out to Coogler personally to address the situation. He shared that during their discussion, Coogler's wife was also present, adding to the importance of the moment.
Washington holds Coogler in high regard, referring to him as exceptionally talented. He noted Coogler's creative spirit, emphasizing that he finds immense value in the stories the director chooses to explore. Washington remarked that he would eagerly read anything Coogler produces.
Currently, there is no confirmed date for the release of Black Panther 3 has been announced. Given the extensive timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe leading up to 2027, it seems wise for Washington to keep additional details under wraps to avoid building excitement too soon.