Dan Aykroyd Defends the 2016 Ghostbusters Reboot Amidst Ongoing Criticism

Greg Burn


Dan Aykroyd Defends the 2016 Ghostbusters Reboot Amidst Ongoing Criticism

Few films in recent history have faced as much scrutiny and criticism as Paul Feig's 2016 Ghostbusters reboot, starring Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, Melissa McCarthy, and Kristen Wiig. As soon as the trailer dropped, it quickly amassed a record number of dislikes on YouTube, with a torrent of negative comments trailing in its wake. Despite the wave of disapproval, there remains a staunch defender of the film's merits.

Dan Aykroyd, known for his iconic role as one of the original Ghostbusters, remains steadfast in his support for the 2016 reboot. According to Aykroyd, the performances by the four lead actresses were commendable, and Paul Feig's vision for the franchise was spot on. Aykroyd reiterated these sentiments in a recent interview.

Aykroyd shared that he enjoyed the movie Paul Feig created with such a remarkable cast. He admitted some frustrations regarding his role as a producer, particularly around budget issues, but emphasized his admiration for the finished product. The film's villain, in particular, stood out to him, and he expressed his deep appreciation for the work of McKinnon, Jones, McCarthy, and Wiig, asserting their performances as unparalleled.

He went on to underline his pride in being part of the project, feeling privileged to have licensed the movie and contributed to it. Aykroyd remains unwavering in his support, asserting that it fits well within the Ghostbusters canon and should not be discredited.

While Aykroyd's view is not widely shared, as evidenced by the movie's poor box office performance, one must ponder whether the intense dislike was wholly justified. The 2016 Ghostbusters may not have fared well commercially, but does it warrant the level of disdain it continues to receive? What's your perspective on the reboot—could it be that the criticism has overshadowed its positive aspects?
