A Gun, a Bash, and a Hundred Battles: Conquering Starfield with Sheer Force

Samanta Blumberg


A Gun, a Bash, and a Hundred Battles: Conquering Starfield with Sheer Force

In the vast and thrilling cosmos of Starfield, gamers expect to embark on epic quests armed with high-tech weaponry to face their foes. However, one YouTuber, Causal Loop, decided to embark on a radically different journey through the game. With a set of self-imposed restrictions, they used their firearm in an unconventional manner — as a melee weapon. Despite being equipped with an arsenal designed for long-range combat, Causal Loop opted to utilize the more primitive tactic of gun bashing to navigate the challenge, showcasing an often-overlooked feature in the game.

As the space odyssey unfolded, the rules were clear: use the gun as a club and rely solely on its blunt force for enemy encounters. Although such a playthrough amplified the game's difficulty, it also served to uncover various gameplay dynamics. In the universe of Starfield, ammunition is not only a commodity but a strategic consideration, with weight and cost to factor in. Thus, Causal Loop's approach evokes a raw, survivalist style of gameplay that pushes the boundaries of ingenuity and perseverance.

Gun bashing, expectedly, is not the game's strongest suit. Encounters often turned into arduous skirmishes, particularly against groups of adversaries. Nonetheless, Causal Loop managed to identify certain weapons and armor that could enhance his bashing damage — albeit modestly. Normally, Starfield's combat thrives in the vastness of zero-gravity battles or through high-octane exchanges. Yet, Causal Loop's playthrough stripped the experience down to its most visceral core, turning the mundane into a test of true grit and patience.

What transpired was a unique dialogue within the gaming community sparked by the peculiarity of the method. Gamers poured into forum threads expressing surprise about the very existence of the gun-bashing mechanic. Many players admitted to having never tried or even known about this combat option after extensive playtime, which brings light to how certain gameplay elements can be overshadowed or underutilized and sometimes escape the awareness of even the most dedicated explorers.

Starfield is certainly a constellation of innovative mechanics and expansive gameplay possibilities. And sometimes, it is the players themselves who chart new territory in the way games are experienced. Causal Loop's quest — a testament to creativity and resilience in gameplay — unveils what can happen when gamers take the road less traveled, literally changing the game with the bash of a gun. His unconventional journey does more than entertain; it hints at the untold stories that lie dormant within Starfield, waiting for gamers to write them with every choice they make, no matter how unorthodox.
